People Sustainability - Green Talent
Employers need to demonstrate their motivation and commitment to sustainability and the environment. Although many organisations promise to promote Environmental, Societal and Governance (ESG) initiatives, often these are not being actioned.
A recent KPMG study found that almost 50% of employees want their employer to demonstrate a commitment to ESG. One in five employees turned down job offers if they weren't satisfied that the company was aligned with their values.
According to the International Labour Organization, 24 million green jobs are due to be created by 2030 and the Local Government Association predict that 700,000 new green jobs will be created in the UK alone. 1
It is difficult to define a green job. International definitions include those working in environmental goods and services, climate mitigation and adaption, or in a role required in a net zero, resource efficient society. 2 Findings show that most of the young workforce is keen to work in a sustainability-oriented industry however the demand for ‘green jobs’ currently exceeds supply.
In addition to this, there is a significant 'green skills' gap and many candidates do not have the required skills. OEUK, the body that represents UK offshore energy industries reported that skills shortages in the green energy sector would prove to be a major hurdle in the UK’s energy transition as we look to meet net zero targets.
The "Green Revolution" has been compared to the Industrial Revolution and has similar characteristics. The recognisable skills of engineering, technology and digital application and adaption are important and need to be adjusted to meet the demand for greener roles. As with broader skills shortages, training and development will be key to alleviating the widening green skills gap.
There is huge motivation to implement sustainable practices as organisations strive to become more environmentally aware. Strategies that allow for identification of specific gaps in skills and where there are opportunities to develop or retrain employees to fulfil future job requirements will be essential for future proofing talent.